Annual General Meeting – Sunday, April 23

Mark your calendars! Our Annual General Meeting will take place on Sunday, April 23rd at 12:30pm in person at ODC and via Zoom. Members and non-members alike, if you are invested in our faith community, we would be delighted to have you attend. In addition to hearing ministry and financial reports, we will elect two new members to our Board of Directors and vote and a full package bylaw change.

Location: Open Door Church
11391 Dartford St., Maple Ridge, BC V2X 1V6

and via Zoom

Zoom link:
Zoom ID: 427 881 8441

If you are interested in filling one of the two positions, or if you’d like to nominate someone, please contact a current board member or Bradley for more information about what the role and commitment look like. 

Current Board of Directors:

Rob Hoogendoorn

Kristal Bereza

Darren Moore

Rebecca Shellborn-Birch

Trevor Birak

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM as we begin a new season of community together at ODC. 

** Please note that our bylaws specify that voting rights are separate from membership. The primary difference being a three-month membership and minimum 25% attendance in order to vote. For further details, please contact Rachael Wagner (board chair) or Bradley.

Other Happenings…

Worship Canceled – Feb 2, 2025

WORSHIP SERVICE CANCELED: Due to road conditions and forecasted snowfall throughout the morning,...



Open Door Church

Open Door Church

11391 Dartford St. | Maple Ridge, BC V2X 1V6