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All Her Paths Lead to Peace

Experiments in Preaching
Experiments in Preaching
All Her Paths Lead to Peace

In the Jewish concept of shalom, everything should lead us toward peace, that is toward wholeness, unity and life.

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Embodiment as an Act of Shalom

Embodiment as an Act of Shalom

Experiments in Preaching
Experiments in Preaching
Embodiment as an Act of Shalom

Melissa Kullman explores embodiment as an act of shalom. Our bodies are complex, fascinating and wondrous. How do we regain peace within our body’s experience in the world?

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Shalom what?

Experiments in Preaching
Experiments in Preaching
Shalom what?

It could be said that the entire Judeo-Christian movement is centred on God’s desire to bring about shalom – peace and unity among every living creature. This series is an exploration of this central biblical concept.

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An Honest Conversation

Experiments in Preaching
Experiments in Preaching
An Honest Conversation

From our initial video published on mental health, we have Erin Bonney and Jonathan Zielke to explore a bit deeper. No agenda – just an honest conversation.

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Narrative Pastoral Care

Experiments in Preaching
Experiments in Preaching
Narrative Pastoral Care

We are storied people; this matters when we talk about caring for those struggling with mental health. We follow the work of Dr. Karen Scheib who pairs Narrative Personality Theory and Narrative Therapy to provide a new practice of pastoral care.

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Lectio Divina | Burdens

Experiments in Preaching
Experiments in Preaching
Lectio Divina | Burdens

Learning the practice of Lectio Divina as a practice that improves our mental health.

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Discovering ODC

Discovering ODC

A look Open Door Church through interviews with a few of our members.

FAITH: by design

FAITH: by design looks all over the world to how design impacts our life and our experience. Have you designed your faith and life to put you right where you are now??

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Open Door Church

Open Door Church

11391 Dartford St. | Maple Ridge, BC V2X 1V6